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Sam Boles is a 2D animator and digital artist, who occasionally works in oil paint and printmaking. Influenced by comic artists like Bill Watterson, as well as their childhood fascination with Sunday cartoons, their work is characterized by vibrant colors and stylized shapes. They are projected to receive their BA of Art from St. Mary’s College of Maryland in May 2023, and hope to bring their own childhood enjoyment of animation to other young people today.

Artist Statement

My work in the digital space is derived from the feelings I experienced during childhood. The childlike wonder and amazement that can only be captured at such a young age is something I want to synthesize. The characters and environments I create are a means for sending some type of message, whatever it may be. Sometimes aiming to help people or sway their opinions. Other times are purely for the satisfaction and enjoyment I and others to experience. Everything is motivated by the positive impacts I can have on people's lives, including myself.

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